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Ceiling-fan25 • 2 years ago


I really liked the beginning of this episode episode. Just Ran and Sonoko getting to hang out and have fun, and no Conan for once

10:03 Yeah!!!!! Get him!!!!!!

10:21 I feel bad for her she's all ready for bed and now she has to go on this excursion and find this man all because of Conan. And not to mention her getting kidnapped later in the episode

He just grabbed her and started dragging her along+?!;!:):&!'_$!_?!:!?! Ran is acting as if she has to follow Conan around and as if she can't just like not.
Conan keeps on ordering Ran around!!?;?!!! Just say no, what will he do about it!?!!!

Also how did he know how to use that controller and that it'd operate that thing in the first place?? And how'd he know those straps would be strong enough to hold the car??

The way Sonoko went up and hugged Ran at the end awwww 🥺🥺🥺

Azusa!!!!!!! Is this her first appearance!!

I liked this one. It was one of those crazy insane ones but with some cute SonoRan moments too!!

LesK • 2 years ago

those types of cranes have 3 forms of controller.

1 is a wireless remote you can keep in your pocket and uses radio waves to control the crane while you walk around the area.

2 is a static hard-wired controller. it's usually bolted to an I-beam somewhere that crane is often used.

3 is this type, it is connected DIRECTLY to the crane with a long wire. you can see the wire dangling down from the crane and leading into the box in Conan's hands.

those are lift straps for use by that crane. they're generally labeled with the load bearing rating for each strap. divide the weight of the load by the number of straps you are attaching to it. if that result is at or below the load bearing rating for each strap... they will bear the weight of the load. if it is above that rating, just add a few more straps.

have you ever operated a remote control car? those cranes are easier to use than that RC toy.

that's not a building, that is a room inside the warehouse but above the ground floor. generally the square footage of floorspace in a warehouse is the MOST PRODUCTIVE area of the building. why put a little office ON that floor when you could have shelves, storage, equipment etc. sitting on that floor instead of the office? so. many warehouses put their administrative, bosses, meeting offices and stuff up on 'stilts' in a corner of the warehouse, and you gotta climb alot of stairs up to get into the offices. OR they attach that office to the inside wall of the warehouse by tying into the I-beams that make up the frame of the building. kinda like a dangling cliff-side lodge perched precariously on the side of a hill/mountain.

i've worked in warehouses and factories designed not unlike that warehouse and i've operated more than one crane like that too.

Chi A • 1 year ago

Oh my god ! So she was working in that cafe !!! Ammazing

Satilinethejay • 11 months ago

lmfao, the way Conan rolled under the shutter door! He could have easily crawled under it but he chose to roll under it instead. I have to say I did rewind and watch it multiple times because of how silly it was. No one in prison will ever believe them, that they got run over by a flying car by an elementary schooler. I love Ran and Sonoko's friendship, they really care for each other, and then there is also Shinichi who went to look for her after he heard she'd been kidnapped, they are a trio you can't change my mind.

Varad • 1 year ago

Mouri is really an useless man lol.
He's just drunk and lazes around, and literally can't do shit

Chi A • 1 year ago

That poor old man surely noticed a lot of new things today

plutoxoxo • 6 months ago

this was very meh

strange guy • 1 year ago

Definitely unexpected way to start the episode

bari • 2 years ago

accounting records..